Fountain of Youth
Best used as a beaty and vitality treatment-this mix is great for anti-aging, cellular repair, ridding the body of free radicals, detoxifying the liver and lightening skin. (Contains: Magnesium, Calcium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Niacinamide, Dexpanthenol, Cyanocobalamin, Ascorbic Acid, and Glutathione).
Natural Defense
An immunity booster containing high doses of Vit C for people who are sick or feeling that they are coming down with a cold or flu and want to knock the sickness right out. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties and has been known to help with fibromyalgia pain and other inflammatory symptoms. (Contains: Magnesium, Calcium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Niacinamide, Dexpanthenol, Cyanocobalamin and Ascorbic Acid).
Performance Hydration
Performance Hydration- (Geared for people who work out) Perfect for anyone who wants to train hard, this drip is great before or after intense physical activity. It will replenish essential nutrients and vitamin C as well as the added benefit of amino acids, which are essential. This is great for increasing your stamina, boosting up your metabolism, and helping with muscle recovery. Amino acids are not only important for people who work out but great for all the muscles in our body, including digestive muscles, heart, lungs etc.
Rise and Shine
Also known as a “Hangover” drip-this mix comes with a full liter of fluid, replenishes electrolytes, hydrates, gives an energy boost with B vitamins, and improves symptoms in 30-45 minutes. It can be very useful for recovery following a stomach virus or food poisoning as well. (Contains: Magnesium, Calcium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine, Niacinamide, Dexpanthenol and Cyanocobalamin).