Expert Management of Immunodeficiency Disorders at Omega Health Clinics's INFUSION CENTER

Explore effective treatments and personalized care for immunodeficiency disorders at Omega Health Clinics. Our experienced team is dedicated to strengthening your immune system and enhancing your overall health.

what is Immunodeficiency?

Immunodeficiency disorders hinder your body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases. These disorders can make you more susceptible to viruses and bacterial infections, compromising your immune response.

various forms of Immunodeficiency

Streptococcus Pneumoniae (B95.3): This condition refers to the vulnerability to infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.
Nonfamilial Hypogammaglobulinaemia (D80.1): Nonfamilial hypogammaglobulinaemia involves lower levels of certain antibodies, increasing the risk of infections.
Selective Deficiency of Immunoglobulin A [IgA] (D80.2): This condition results in a specific deficiency of immunoglobulin A, leaving individuals prone to infections.
Selective Deficiency of Immunoglobulin G [IgG] Subclasses (D80.3): Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin G subclasses can weaken immune responses and lead to recurring infections.
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuritis (G61.81): This condition involves immune-mediated damage to nerve fibers, leading to weakness and sensory issues.
Secondary Malignant Neoplasm of Cerebral Meninges (C79.32): This refers to cancer that has spread to the cerebral meninges, the protective layers of the brain.

what are the symptoms of Immunodeficiency?

Immunodeficiency disorders can lead to recurrent infections, prolonged illness, and increased susceptibility to various pathogens.

WHAT ARE THE CAUSES of Immunodeficiency?

Immunodeficiency disorders can be caused by genetic factors, underlying health conditions, medications, and other factors that compromise the immune system.


Omega Health Clinics offers specialized treatments to address immunodeficiency disorders, including:

  • Bivigam 10%: Bivigam 10% treatment aims to enhance immune responses by providing necessary antibodies to combat infections.
  • Ruxience: Ruxience treatment targets specific immune-related conditions to restore immune function and reduce vulnerability to infections.

HOW IS Immunodeficiency DIAGNOSED?

Diagnosing immunodeficiency disorders involves a comprehensive assessment of medical history, immune function tests, and genetic evaluations.


Our expert medical team at Omega Health Clinics is committed to helping individuals with immunodeficiency disorders lead healthier lives. We focus on strengthening the immune system, managing symptoms, and reducing the risk of infections.

what to expect during Immunodeficiency treatment?

Immunodeficiency treatment may include immunoglobulin therapy, targeted medications, and lifestyle modifications. Our specialists will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan.

how to get a referral for Immunodeficiency treatment?

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of Immunodeficiency, speak with your primary care physician about a referral to Omega Health Clinics. We also welcome self-referrals and can work with you to obtain any necessary medical records.

Process and Standard Protocol

At Omega, our treatment process follows a strict and well-defined standard protocol, which involves administering intravenous (IV) medication based on the doctor’s orders. We prioritize patient safety and follow evidence-based guidelines to ensure the most effective and appropriate treatment for each individual.

Medical Consultation & Referral

Our process begins with a thorough medical consultation between the patient and their primary healthcare provider. If the doctor determines that infusion therapy is the best course of treatment, they will provide specific orders for the required medication and treatment duration. 



Verification And Review

Upon receiving the doctor’s orders, our team of qualified medical professionals carefully verifies and reviews the prescription to ensure accuracy and appropriateness for the patient’s condition. 

Pre-Treatment Assessment

Before initiating the infusion therapy, we conduct a comprehensive pre-treatment assessment, including the patient’s medical history, current health status, allergies, and any potential contraindications.



Infusion Administration

Once the assessment is complete and deemed suitable for treatment, our trained nurses or medical staff will administer the IV medication following the doctor’s prescribed dosage and infusion rate.

Continuous Monitoring

During the infusion therapy, we provide continuous monitoring of the patient’s vital signs and overall well-being to detect any adverse reactions or complications promptly. Our medical professionals are well-equipped to handle any unexpected situations that may arise.



Post-Treatment Care

After the infusion is complete, we continue to monitor the patient’s condition and provide appropriate post-treatment care instructions. Our team remains accessible to address any concerns or questions that patients may have following their therapy. 

Reporting To The Physician

We maintain close communication with the referring physician throughout the treatment process, providing regular updates on the patient’s progress and response to the infusion therapy. 


By strictly adhering to this standard protocol and closely following the doctor’s orders, we ensure that our infusion therapy services are safe, effective, and in line with the highest medical standards.  
At Omega, patient well-being and optimal treatment outcomes are our top priorities, and we are committed to delivering exceptional care in a cost-effective and convenient manner. 

Explore Treatment options

Take control of your asthma and improve your breathing and quality of life. To start managing your asthma with the help of Omega Health Clinics, click the button below. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals will work with you to provide personalized treatment options that fit your individual needs and help you breathe easier. Don’t let asthma hold you back from living life to the fullest.